Pre Season, In Season, and Off Season Training.
Every part of the year is incredibly important for an athlete, and knowing how to train the athlete during each period is vital! An athletes training regimen is typically broken down into 3 parts; pre season, in season, and off season training. We often see athletes train off season leading up to pre season but some tend to leave out in season. If one phase is left out then the athlete will NOT reach his or her peak performance.
Now, although training during every phase is vital to reaching max performance; it is also incredibly important that the training regimen is done properly each phase. In season training is quite different than off season training and if not done correctly then it can actually regress an athletes performance as well as make the athlete prone to injury.
Example: during an off season, we tend to train the athlete to his or her breaking point bc the body has more time to recover but it makes absolutely no sense to do that in season. Why would we want to kill an athlete if they have a major tournament coming up that weekend for example? No, if an athlete has a major tournament or game that week; we want to make sure the body is performing at his or her best during the time on the playing field/court. Our goal the week of a game/tournament is to have the athletes body primed, mobile, loose, fresh, ready to perform! And we want to prevent injury at all cost!!!
In conclusion: EVERY ATHLETE needs to be training during ALL 3 phases (pre, in, off season) or they will NEVER reach hos or her max potential. Make sure you select the proper training professional and or training regimend bc if ypu dont, you can regress vs progress and increase your chance of injury.
Rob Bolz
Founder & CEO
123 Total Fitness